About the Blog 'n Me

About A Story Club:

Several years ago, I started writing down the books I read in a notebook. The really good ones got a couple of stars by them. This was only for me at first, but then I realized it would be fun to share those books with someone else. This was before I discovered GoodReads, or book blogs, or connected with the writing world that exists on Twitter. I was pretty much in my own little reading cocoon.

I began this site in 2012 in order to share some of my favorite books, host guest authors, give away stuff, tell some of my favorite stories, and keep myself accountable during my own writing process.

A STORY CLUB is based on an excerpt from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. Anne and her friends (girls only) decided to each write one story a week, and then they would share it and talk it over. They would each write under a secret name, and these would be kept for their descendants. Marilla, of course, called this business "the foolishest yet" but Anne insisted that all the stories had morals in them. They wanted their club to "do some good in the world." 

Please comment when you can and join my story club!

About Me:

I am a mom of two children, a wife, a full-time employee, a sometimes-therapist, all-the-time photographer, and a writer. I've lived in the Midwest all my life and wouldn't trade it for anything-- although I love to travel to other places. I spent a college semester in Japan, and a piece of my heart is still there today.

I'm working diligently on a historical fiction novel, when I can find time to sit down and concentrate. Even when I'm not sitting, I'm constantly thinking of my characters and my story plot, and how I can make my writing better. Although I don't read quite as much, I always have a stack of books waiting in the wings. Recently, I made my profile on Goodreads, and have had so much fun with my virtual bookshelf there!

I'm interested in birth order, nature, plants, psychology, and history. I love handwritten letters and coffee. I like to walk, ride my bike, and Jazzercise. I don't really have time to cook, so our meals are simple. I bake occasionally, especially around holidays. Actually, when I say I'm interested in history, that may be an understatement. I AM OBSESSED WITH IT. I have now become dangerous on road trips because if I see those brown signs, I will be stopping to check it out.

People are fascinating, and I study them, day in and day out. I also laugh every day, because "a day without laughter is wasted." This means I could be finding humor in the most unlikely of places. 

You can find me on Facebook and Twitter. Happy Reading!