Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snail Mail Giveaway & I Came Back

I love finding weird coincidences. Like the fact that I decided to visit the old Story Club here, and saw it has been 2 years to the day since I posted. Yikes! I know that blogs are going by the wayside a little,  and most of us don't have time to read them or want to. But I still get some blog posts by e-mail and when I do check them out, I'm always rewarded with something in my busy day. Anyway, I realized that this is good for me. I see strange and wonderful things every day, and I'm doing this Club a disservice by not sharing those observations. So if you're still there, and I know some of you have stuck with me, be ready for some posts. I also want to give something away. You may remember I love Trader Joe's. I'm obsessed with their gourmet greeting cards. I'll send a little assortment to someone who tells me 5-10 of their favorite things (I added my own on over there on the right side). Because we all need to send more snail mail!

P.S. I have picked up my writing works in progress and plan to continue with them very soon after this little hiatus I went on. It was a great hiatus. 

(Random drawing 1/24 by midnight. US addresses only, sorry. Any subscriber outside the U.S. who comments: I will try to send you snail mail sometime in 2016. I would love a pen pal).